
Wedded Bliss

When people say to me “your husband…” or call me “Mrs. …” it is sometimes like “are they talking to me?” We’ve been married for 1 year today (yesterday 6/18/06) but it still makes me smile to hear my new name or to hear R referred to as my husband. Our wedding day was absolutely perfect. Truly. That was pre-pump so I didn’t even have that to worry about and my only wedding memory that has diabetes in it is when I was getting nervous before the ceremony and my mom suggested that I test; I did and it was around 250 but I didn’t want to drop low during the ceremony so I left it. I was especially worried about dropping low on the walk down the wooded path, and up the slight hill to the rock ledge that we would be standing on for the actual “I do’s.” We wrote our own vows so I definitely wanted to be able to read them; knowing that there was little chance I would actually remember the words I had so carefully chosen to say. There were so many other feelings that day that I was not even thinking about how I felt diabetes-wise.

To be honest, I am not sure that I even tested again that day. Thankfully I didn’t have any real problems that day. I am quite sure that my blood sugars were crazy. What with the nervousness, utter joy, excitement, awesome meal, dancing like a fool with my sisters, nieces and friends, and yes, of course the libations. I’m pretty sure that I remembered to take my Lantus at some point before going to sleep because I don’t remember feeling like crap the next day, but I really don’t remember. For that one day, I didn’t feel like a person with diabetes. I just felt like me. Melissa: girl about to become his wife and, it was wonderful.

I hope I can have other days like that; ones where diabetes just fades into the background, becoming practically invisible, but if not, at least I have the memory of that perfect day.

Happy Anniversary, R! You are my window….


Anonymous said...

Bright Eyes ... you are not the only one with memories of a perfect day. You are the "window" cleaner that keeps the view perfect. Thanks for a great 365 days! Love R ...

Scott K. Johnson said...

Congrats to both of you!

Allison said...

Awwww. So cute!

I can't wait to get married now.

Anonymous said...

I wish you to have more such windows and I am sure that your happiness and love will help you to overcome all the difficulties with your health!