
No New Job

Well, after a hellish week waiting…I found out I did not get the job. That news, coupled with my-not-always-remembering- to-take-my-Prozac, left me wallowing in the depths of my old friend Depression. I took the news really hard. This new job was perfect me. It would be just the change I needed. I had ‘wowed’ them at my interviews. Or so I thought.

This whole experience was good for me in the end. It has been a long time since I have put myself out there and I really have had almost no experience with a real interview process. It made me remember some of my old passion. Also brought into focus for me was the fact that this whole job thing is what I will be doing for like the next 30 plus years so I better find something I like to do. I am working towards figuring that out but I tend to lose sight of that in this business of living. I am going to school part-time to obtain my bachelor’s degree. The end seems so far away when you can only take 2 maybe 3 classes a semester, slowly, but surely I am getting there though.


art-sweet said...

Sorry about the job :(

Sending you big virtual hugs and hoping the depression cloud lifts soon.

p.s. Thanks for reminding me to take my zoloft that I threw in my purse this morning, 'cause y'know, it takes so much effort to swallow the damn thing then and there. Sigh.

Lyrehca said...

So sorry about the job... but send them a note and let them know how excited you were about it and to please keep you in mind should things change down the road. You never know.